The Curriculum
"The academy’s curriculum takes full account of the pupils’ interests and this ensures they are fully absorbed and engrossed." (OFSTED 2014)
Although broad and balance, emphasis is placed on English and mathematical skills and the use of information communications technology, as proficiency in these areas is a major key to unlocking learning and opportunities in all areas of life.
The academy understands the difference excellent and challenging teaching can make and the staff is supported by continuous professional development in order to attain very high standards.
We judge that it is important that children are safe, happy, excited and engaged at the academy in order for them to be able to succeed with confidence. Our learning environment is shaped by an understanding of what children can achieve and by delivering teaching and learning opportunities that meet individual needs. By developing skills and celebrating achievements, we aim to help our children foster self-esteem and grow into confident and understanding young people.
The Values and Purposes Underpinning the Academy Curriculum
At St John’s (C.E.) Primary Academy we understand that education influences and reflects the values of society and we have agreed values and purposes that underpin our academy curriculum and the work of our academy. We believe that education, at home and at the academy, is a route to the spiritual, moral, social, cultural, physical and mental development, and thus the wellbeing, of the individual. Education is also seen as a route to equality of opportunity for all, a healthy and just democracy, a productive economy, and sustainable development and should reflect the enduring values that contribute to these ends. These include valuing ourselves, our families and other relationships, the wider groups to which we belong, the diversity in our society and the environment in which we live. Education should also reaffirm our commitment to the virtues of truth, justice, honesty, trust and a sense of duty. We recognise that education must enable us to respond positively to the opportunities and challenges of the rapidly changing world in which we live and work. In particular, we are prepared to engage with economic, social and cultural change, including the continued globalisation of the economy and society, with new work and leisure patterns and with the rapid expansion of communication technologies.
Cross Curricular Strands and Other Areas of Learning:
Some subjects are taught as single disciplines, but others are linked thematically into learning units. English, for example, is taught as a single discipline, but is also included in learning units. In addition to the subjects of History, Geography, Science, Design and Technology, Art, Modern Foreign Languages, Physical Education, cross curricular strands include: Religious Education, Careers Education, Economic and Industrial Understanding, Environmental Education, Business and Enterprise, Intercultural, International and Ethical Issues, Spiritual, Creative and Aesthetic, ICT, Human and Social, Scientific and Technological, Healthy School.
Organisational Strategies and Teaching Techniques
Pupils will experience high quality teaching that is planned and managed so that they are both supported and challenged. This in turn will have an effect upon the quality of their learning and personalisation.
Staff employ a variety of teaching styles to meet the different pupil learning needs and preferences. Children are grouped in a variety of ways to support their learning. Groups may take into account ability, friendship, gender, interest and learning styles. Children are encouraged to work as individuals, in pairs, in groups and also as a whole class when appropriate. The teachers use their enthusiasm and professional judgement to identify the most effective, sensible, enjoyable and safe methods for work to be conducted.
The academy has a wealth of resources; practical, books and ICT equipment which are used effectively to support teaching and learning.
Children will experience the joy of discovery, solving problems, being creative, developing their self-confidence and maturing socially, emotionally and spiritually. They will be given the greatest chance of reaching their individual potential.
Questions and further information
If you have any questions or want further information about our curriculum, contact the academy office using, where we will be happy to help you.