Our PSHE curriculum is based on SCARF (a programme of study designed by Coram Education).
This scheme of work has been adapted to meet the needs of pupils as and when necessary. It is a spiral curriculum, with age-appropriate resources, and it is nationally recognised as an effective teaching tool to address the PSHE Association’s learning objectives.
The SCARF scheme follows 6 half-termly units that all build on prior learning, so progression of key skills and knowledge is evident. The RSHE coordinator has examined the SCARF scheme and all lessons have been selected or adapted to address our schools’ context and values.
Some elements of the PSHE curriculum may also be taught through Science, PE and Religious Education.
Personal Social and Emotional - EYFS
PSHE curriculum end point progression
Consultation concluded (April 2024)
The academy RSHE Policy is available on our policy page: St John's C.E. Primary Academy - Policies (
DfE Guidance and Frequently Asked Questions on RSE can be found here: