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St John's (CE) Primary Academy

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Our Grounds and Location

the school grounds

The academy is fortunate to have very good quality and well maintained premises within a pleasant suburban community. It nestles happily between St John’s Church and the park.

The academy has a no smoking policy and dogs, other than guide dogs, are not allowed on the premises.    

Parking and traffic movement can be a problem so the academy asks for the cooperation of all families and friends in following the academy’s guidance as a way of keeping all children safe.

Traffic Safety Outside the Academy:

The academy experiences heavy traffic congestion at the beginning and end of the day and this in turn leads to poor visibility for children pedestrians, their families and indeed drivers. 

Pedestrians and drivers should abide by the HIGHWAY CODE.  The major infringements experienced outside the academy are parking on yellow lines at restricted times and parking on or too close to corners.

Safe and Sensible Parking should be as far away from the academy as possible. For fit and healthy people parking at the Armytage Arms' car park, New Street, around the park or at the Black Horse side of the village is very feasible and indeed could well lead to improvements in fitness for all!  Parents are also asked to help us respect our neighbours by not blocking access to other nearby properties.

Drivers should follow the academy’s voluntary ONE WAY TRAFFIC SYSTEM.  Leave Clifton Common by turning into New Street, travel around the park and then along Towngate, with the academy on the left hand side.  This eases traffic flow and means that children can get out of cars straight on to the pavement. Always parking this way reminds everyone of the system.