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St John's (CE) Primary Academy

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Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability

Pupils with disabilities are not treated less favourably than other pupils and all steps possible are taken to adapt the curriculum and/or premises.


Special Educational Needs

Our philosophy in At St John's is to treat each child as an individual and to cater for their individual needs. Our tracking of individual pupils helps us to check on progress or identify a particular need the child may have.  When a need is identified we discuss with the child and with their parents on how best to answer that need.  Generally in the first instance, where an issue has been identified, we will add the child to our SEN support list and then begin to design programmes of work (Personalised Provision Plan) to support them. This may take the form of, for example, a short term intervention programme. Termly meetings are held, again with parents and children (if appropriate), to assess the progress made.  

 Where further support is still deemed required, we work closely with other agencies and over the years we have developed a good rapport with the school nurse, doctors, speech therapists as well as the Calderdale Education Inclusion Service. We would then refer to the appropriate service for more specialist support. Pupils with special needs are usually taught within their own class, although they may be withdrawn for short periods of time during the day, within a group or individually for appropriate intervention.

We treat all children equally and everyone has the same opportunities and are not excluded from activities or curriculum entitlement. The Special Educational Needs Policy is available with the Inclusion Policy as tabs under 'Our School'. 


Mrs Flear is the SENCO (SEND Co-ordinator) and is responsible for the management and leadership of Special Educational Needs within School.



Looked After Children

The designated teachers are Miss S. Crozier (Acting Principal) and Mrs N Flear (SENCO)