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St John's (CE) Primary Academy

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Admission to School:

As part of the Co-Ordinated Scheme for Admissions, applications to school should be made through your Local Authority (who you pay your Council Tax to), information regarding the timetable, application process, admission criteria and appeals process are available on their websites.  The following links will take you to local councils’ admission websites.  If you live within an alternative Local Authority, please refer to their School Admission website. 


Calderdale Council Admissions

Kirklees Council Admissions

Bradford Council Admissions


Please note our School's Admission Policies are displayed below. They include key information including, how applications are considered, our selection criteria, our over-subscription criteria, how parents can apply and information about children born in summer months.

To view information on our admissions policy for September 2023 click here.

To view information on our admissions policy for September 2024 click here.

To view information on our admissions policy for September 2025 click here.


If you wish to apply using the Oversubscription Criteria for Church Attendance, please complete the Supplementary Information Form and submit it to the academy the 15th January, in the calendar year your child will commence school in September

To view download our Supplementary Information Form click here.


Reception Application Deadline  

The closing date for applications for Reception is the 15th January, in the calendar year your child will commence school in September (the school year that they turn 5 years old). 


In Year Admissions

In general, the Governing Body does not encourage transfers between primary schools for reasons other than a house move.  Evidence strongly indicates that they are rarely in the best educational interests of the pupil because of the disruption this would cause to their learning experience.

If a parent, having carefully considered the effects that such a transfer would mean, still wishes to request a transfer to St John’s (CE) Primary Academy, Clifton they should complete an “In Year Application Form” and, if necessary, the Supplementary information form.  These forms are available from the academy or by clicking the links below, and should be returned to, St John’s (CE) Primary Academy, Clifton. The application will be submitted to the Admissions Committee within two days of receipt for consideration and an immediate response given if there is a place available.

In Year Application Form

Supplementary Information Form

We strongly recommend contacting the academy office before completing an application.

The academy will aim to notify the parents in writing of the outcome within 10 school days or no longer than 15 school days where additional information has been sought for the purpose of making a decision. Where an application is refused parents will be informed of their right to appeal within the refusal letter.


Admissions Appeals

Where the governors are unable to offer a place because the school is oversubscribed, parents have the right to appeal to an independent admission appeal panel, set up under the School Standards and Framework Act, 1998, as amended by the Education Act, 2002.

Parents who intend to make an appeal against the Governing Body’s decision to refuse admission must submit a notice of appeal within twenty-one days of receiving the refusal letter to:


Admission Appeal Clerk:

PO Box 1694,




Telephone: 07949 707868    Email: churchschoolappeals@gmail.com


Normally appeal hearings will be held within six weeks of the closing date for receiving the notice of appeal.


If your child was refused a place in Reception or Key Stage 1 because of Government limits on Infant class sizes, the grounds on which your appeal could be successful are limited. You would have to show that the decision was one which in the circumstances no reasonable Governing Body would have made, or that your child would have been offered a place if the governors’ admissions arrangements had been properly implemented.


For more information regarding Admission Appeals please refer to your Local Authority's Admission Website, some of which are below.


Calderdale Council Appeals Page

Kirklees Council Appeals Page

Bradford Council Appeals Page